Sunday, August 21, 2011

OKF11 Week #5: HM Time-Trial

Facebook photos by AC, FREDERIC

With just 2 weeks to go, The Kingfishers put together all that they have built up in terms of base, strength and speed, to unleash in a 21km time-trial. With a relatively injury-free foundation up to this stage, the Kingfishers looked good to perform at their optimum race pace.

By now, most of the runners were well versed with the training procedures and methods, and only a short pre-run briefing was required to set the tone for the morning's run. The runners lined up alongside their respective targeted pace groups of 1:45h, 2:00h, 2:15h, 2:30h and 2:45h, and started off as a unified flock.

Within the first 2km, the paces were settled and the various groups fell into their groupings with a certain steady rhythm and beat. The hot weather brought on some challenges to increase the difficulty levels. Those that did not bring hydration had to rush to the intermediate toilet and vending machines to get cooled, but not stopping for too long as to break the good momentum. After the U-turn, the heat went up a notch higher, and a few Kingfishers were finding the strain.

However, there was no sightings of walkers nor even too much of pace-dropping. Target pace was maintained by most, with the reliable Running Guides sweeping the respective pace groups. The trainers could see the enhanced 'hardiness' of these trainees who had just come on-board barely a month ago. They were running like experienced racers, knowing when to hydrate, fuel-up and maintaining reasonably good running form.

The majority finished within 2:30h, with the final group completing in 2:45h. If this time-trial can be used as a reliable indicator of race day performance, many Kingfishers are looking at bettering their personal targets, baring any unforseen circumstances. Most had completed 80% of training, and were happy to receive their hard-earned Team FatBird PowerFLIGHT finisher vests. In the coming week, we will be tapering off (interspersed with specific speed & strengthening) to rest and adaptively recover for race day.

The Kingfishers Are Ready For The Bay!


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