Thursday, August 11, 2011

OKF11 Week #4: PowerFLIGHT @ Track

Photo contributions @ FatBird AC

The Kingfishers were back at the track for Week #4’s PowerFLIGHT speedwork. In view of the stadium closing early for the evening, we got down to business with the mile time trial after a few laps of warm-up. Although the weather was rather humid, the track conditions were prime for some hard running at SpeedyBird (interval pace).

The main course was served in the form of 800m sets @ SpeedyBird pace, interlaced with short rests in between. With the engines running at optimum levels, the Kingfishers were able to focus on sustaining interval pace while keeping their running form in check. 4 sets later, all were drenched in perspiration, a few looking like they just came up from a swim in a pool. The recovery of the trainees has improved, judging from the shorter rest time required and the good form being held up after a number of hard sets.

Dessert of the night was dished to some fanfare and anxiousness as we were trying to beat the stadium horn. The 800m sandwich with float was savored with much enjoyment, with runners’ highs oozing from some of the runners. We could see some running with so much spring at the end we thought they were just starting with the appetizers. With the last beverage downed, the happy and satisfied Kingfishers made it out the stadium gates just as the lights went out, with exciting conversations continuing at nearby kopitiams and durian stalls.

The Kingfishers were happy with the menu for the night, with just the right amount of ingredients to make us perspire and build speed, yet not overbearing as to cause any form of regurgitation nor upset digestive systems. Although some secretly wished to do even more and have such enjoyable menus all the time, track sessions will be spaced out to allow time for adaptive recovery and allowing for different menus to be sampled for a complete experience. That said, we look forward to the next PowerFLIGHT track session in a fortnight.

Running The Bay? PowerFLIGHT To Pave The Way!

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