Sunday, August 14, 2011

FatBird Weekender: Western Hills & Plains Explorer



In the midst of our busy training schedules, we managed to get-together for a FatBird Weekender Run in the Western Hills region this beautiful Sunday morning. FatBird Weekenders are a good way for our runners to go sight-seeing different parts of Singapore, often venturing into scenic trails or hills, and getting to know new friends and catch up with old ones, all sharing a common passion for running...a meaningful venture that brings us together as a community and foster healthy friendships and ties.

We had quite a good turnout this morning, with many runners coming from the East, North, North-East and Central. Quite a number were new to the western region in terms of running routes, and had been looking forward to do this weekender. We had originally mapped a 15km route, but because it was so much fun, ended doing nearly 18km worth of rolling hills and plains.

The first objective, Mt. Faber Hill literally took our breaths away, with the rather steep climb to the top, as well as the scenic views from the mountainside. We made a quick stop before moving onto Henderson Waves, leading us to yet another hill feature, Telok Blangah Hill. For many. It was the first time for many up the hill, with the flora and fauna capturing their attention as they snaked around the lush greenery.

After the Hills, we made our way along Depot Road, and then into the Canterbury Estate (Plains). The rustic beauty of the place, dotted with large colonial houses, guarded by large dogs, captivated all of us as we made our way through the quiet and posh estate.

Although it was tricky running through the private enclave, we managed our way with the help of FatBird Running Guides, who were always on hand to show us the way, take photos, chit-chat with us, and even introducing location highlights to felt like a private tour, although we had to carry our legs instead of being seated in a vehicle.

We came out from Canterbury Estate at 9.30am, and with sufficient time, we ventured up to Kent Ridge Park Hill (yet another hill :)) via the snaking 'mini-Lombard' walkway and steps, finally bringing us to the lone cable car that was parked near to the water point. Some almost believed we were going to take the cable car back, only to realize later it was a hoax when they found no cables attached to it. We married-up with an earlier group that had gone to Kent Ridge Park directly, and then proceeded to Horticulture Park, making a very minor detour to the Canopy Walk for a nice view of the vast piece of green field in front.

A run through of the Horticulture Park to smell even more flowers before we made our way (along rolling terrain) back to the SAFRA ClubHouse. Various Garmin and Polar meaurements confirmed the total distance we took to be 17.5-17.9km. With the rolling hills factor, the effort expended was surely more than 18km.

It was no wonder some of the runners were running near empty on their fuel-tanks, and all they could think of then was what fuel to reload their tanks with, and many swore they could eat a cow :D The FatBird Runners were happy they came for this weekend explorer, and while initially apprehensive, all the worries were gone when they have finally completed the challenging adventure...all because they had so much fun along the way.

We would like to thank all who partipated in this FatBird Weekender, and also your patience and helpfulness in making this another successful team outing. We will try to look for opportunities for another weekender to be scheduled...highly likely to be one of the public holidays for a Holiday Weekender. To be informed and updated of future Weekenders, do sign up for the Weekender Runs HERE and LIKE The Weekender Facebook Page. Till the next FatBird Weekender...

FatBirds Like To Run, FatBirds Know How To Have Fun!


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