Sunday, August 8, 2010

Ops Kingfisher Tempo #2: The Hills Were Moved


The weather forecast read 'Pre-Dawn Showers...'. Kingfishers were given a weather alert the previous evening in The Nest. In the end, our prayers were answered, and the 'reddish' skies turned clear and cool by the time we embarked on our 15km hills journey to the west :)

The first 10.5km loop was taken in serious fashion, with the front pack running at an average 5:30min/km pace. The mid-pack were not too far behind, while the Happy Group was real minimalist this morning. From the bottom of the hill to the top without stopping; all achieved the feat after a good warm-up run of 3km, with nary a walker in sight. The tempo was sweet and the pace was well moderated at each category...the Kingfishers are beginning to look like real serious runners with a focused objective in sight...fantastic.

The Gatorade water-stop at the 10.5km was a welcomed relief for many as the sun came out of the clouds to smile. The Kingfishers refused to be beaten, and all showed strong form as they came into the Club-House for a quick breather. A few who were feeling under the weather called it a day; preparing themselves to recover for bigger challenges in the weeks ahead. The momentum was kept up with one more loop of rolling hills against the face of the rising sun. I did not spot any Kingfishers walking along the way...great stuff.

Within 2 hours of of the start, almost all had returned, some to rousing cheers for their determination and focused attention given to conquering the hills and slopes. Lots of exchanges, sharing of tips and experiences, chatter about running form and even mini demonstrations of running styles later, the Kingfishers 'booked out for home' feeling very satisfied with the challenging but good workout. There were some soreness in the large muscle groups, evidence of doing the right workout in a terrain suitable for strength conditioning for runners. As the various sorties departed for their next destination, many were already thinking of areas of improvement and how we will get prepared for the coming training flights in the area.

Running The Bay? FatBirds Are Flying That Way!

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