The final installment of the Human Race Training session finished on a high note this morning at the Asian Civilization Musuem, with the gathering of a record number of participants, SEA Games Triathlon Gold Medalist Mok Ying Ren, National Coach Gana, Coaching Directors from Racers Toolbox, Run Pacers and Marshals from Team FatBird. Of course the Nike ASEAN Running Head & EKIN were on hand to lend encouragement and support to the colourful field of runners prepping up for the Nike Human Race on Oct 24.
The participants were treated to a good talk by Mok on how to run well by focusing on building up the aerobic base with long runs. He went on to add that whilst one's anaerobic efficiency remain constant, it is the aerobic efficiency which could be enhanced, leading to improving performance in running and other cardio-related sports performance. It was really an eye opener from Singapore's top 10km runner, who had Ben Pulham, at one time the top 50 10km runner in the world, at his side....both throwing off the mistaken belief by most that to run fast, one had to train hard by doing lots of intervals and speedwork. It was heartening for us at Team FatBird to hear about the training philosophy propounded, as we have always encouraged our marathon trainees to train within the FatTrim & BaseBuild zones for 80-90% of their long runs.
Ben led a good round of dynamics, incorporating some useful race day warm-up routines. FatBird Spencer led his team of FatBirds Beng, Esther, Beverly and Keonz to show the group of Human Race trainees around the 5km scenic River Promendade route. It was great to see Alvin and Ming from Nike sweeping from behind to encourage runners to run steady and not to rush. Coach Gana was on hand to dispense very useful advice on running form, fueling up, and training for long runs.
The Human Race trainees all seemed so motivated and were smiling and waving to the cameramen as they ran tall, with a spring in their legs, as they seem to glide along in their
From my running along with many of these Human Racers at the last 3 training sessions, and my vantage point at the end of today's training, there was without a doubt in my mind that these
Hi! I'm living in Central. You guys have the I-Run around here???
Hi Gerry,
we have I-Run in the CBD area:
I-Run @ River Promenade (RP)
- FatBird statue below UOB Plaza (Near Raffles Place)
- Tuesday, Thursday, 6.15pm-8pm
Check here ->
Team FatBird
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