Training Report by FatBird Anthony
Photo Slideshow by FatBird Spencer
Video Interviews by TFB Media (FatBirds YN, Keonz)
Photo Slideshow by FatBird Spencer
Video Interviews by TFB Media (FatBirds YN, Keonz)
More than 60 Kingfisher runners gathered at Team FatBird's Nest for week 3's training. With just 4 weeks to go before race day, all were prepared for the start of pace training for the 21km distance. FatBird DO gave a briefing of the pace training and the various pace groups (1:30-1:45h led by Keonz, 1:45-2:00h led by Anthony and DO, 2:00-2:15h led by YN, Spencer and Jancy, 2:15-2:30h led by Terry and Beng). FatBird Esther led the 10km running group. FatBird Keonz provided a good overview of the route and U-turn points for the 10km, 13km and 18km distances.
With endurance base-building done, we started off running at our optimum sustainable pace. There was noticeably less runners and groups at ECP this morning, although the army groups were still out in force to ramp up their AHM training. Keonz was in front, followed by Choon, Han and Darren. I stayed behind at an average 5:03min/km, gradually dropping it to 5:00min/km by 6km. There was a group slightly behind...possibly 5:15min/km pace. zco saw us near the Food Centre, and joined the 5min pace group for a bit.
I had with me my Ultimate Direction hydration belt with Gatorade mix, dispensing the need for any water stops, allowing continuous running. I was feeling ok all the way to NSRCC (9km mark). The front group took a quick break from the water sprinkler, while I turned back without stopping. As we passed the various pace groups, we cheered for them and informed of the U-turn. It was nice to see the various TFB groups running at pace and acknowledging one another as we pass. I had dropped the average pace to 4:58min/km by the time I hit F2 carpark. The weather was humid, and the sun was rearing itself with strong rays.
With 3km to go, I closed the gap to run along Han and Darren, before moving up to maintain the 4:58min/km pace to finish in 1hr29min. Wee and his friend was already at the end, cheering the runners. We had a good chat, while cheering the returning runners. Arthur and YN looked very strong, as they finished the 18km at The PlayGround. We assembled back at the FatBird Nest to get iced-cold 100plus and bananas....heavenly. A number of enquiries about Run For A Cause (RFAC) Charity Running, as well as FatBird's plans for pacing and marathon training for SCSM09.
Ops Kingfisher #3 Participants, TFB Media News
SCSM09 had just been launched on July 16, and all the runners are already getting excited, gearing up for this big event. Team FatBird should be having 1-2 Marathon Training Programs to help the many SCSM09 runners and RFAC participants. Session #4 of Ops Kingfisher next Saturday will be a full-dress rehearsal of sorts, with a 21.1km Time Trial and Newton Shoe Trials. It will be a good opportunity for all FatBird runners to gauge their likely achievable completion timings. So we will expect to see more Kingfishers next weekend.
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