LunarGlide+ & Shape Training Photos by FatBird DO
Because of Team FatBird's Nike-SHAPE Run Pacer commitments at 8am, we had to do a a faster Ops Kingfisher Pre-Ops Run this morning. About 30 runners gathered by 7am at The PlayGround @ Big Splash, ECP. Good to see familiar faces (many of whom had joined Ops NightHawk training sessions before) as well as new runners.
We have not started official attendance taking as more are still registering for the 6-week Program. The Team FatBird members were testing and trialing out the latest Nike LunarGlide+ shoes this morning, ahead of the worldwide launch of the much-talked about shoes next week. We started off as a group, and soon settled into various team running at different paces. I was moving at about 5min/km pace along with Spencer, YN, Eileen, DO, SorePalm, Yamsong, Aussie Gal, and a couple more. The LunarGlide+ felt real cushy, and I especially liked the soft upper....even at that pace, there was good breath-ability, and heat generated were well dissipated, keeping my feet cool.
Keonz, Eileen and a few others were blazing ahead. There was not much chatting this morning as we were running at a Tempo pace...hehe. Reached F2 toilet, 5.5km U-turn point, in 26min+. Took a quick toilet break, turned some of the runners back, before moving back. I had a good maiden experience with the LunarGlide+'s Dynamic Support System on the return leg when I was tiring a little....could feel the medial support on the inside coming into play to give a stable ride in spite of the tailing of my form.
There was as usual many groups of runners at ECP this morning, presumably doing AHM training, as well as their specific club sessions. The bladers were not out yet as it was still early. I ran back with Aussie Gal and Eileen for the final 3km. We finished the 11km in about 52-54min. By then, the Shape Breakfast Run was already taking Shape...hehe. 75 ladies showed up...hmm, more might come as race day draws near.
Max, Wee, DO had already whipped out their cameras by then. Not sure how many babes were being photographed, but definitely our LunarGlides took a lot of their attention. The ladies liked the women's version for the added features and very nice design. Team FatBird's 8 pacers joined Racer's ToolBox to conduct the warm-up session for the ladies, before flagging them off for the 6km run. Spencer was already waiting at the 3km min-point to turn them back. It was nice running along with the ladies and encouraging them on, dispensing tips on breathing, running form, cadence, arm-swings, and various aspects of running. Team FatBird women pacers were out in full force to guide the SHAPE Run participants along....hmm, maybe they could be actual race day Pacers to pace and lead some of these women to achieving their 10km targets.
The ladies were still running strong after the mid-point. I saw very few walking today, not even to take walk-breaks....thats good progress man :). These ladies were determined...many have bought new Nike cushioned shoes as they plan to run seriously. The finish at The PlayGround @ Big Splash was exciting as many of them picked up pace for the final 100m dash, still finding time to pose for our friendly photographers. Perspiration dripping and heavy breathing accompanied satisfying smiles of sense of accomplishment. Congratulatory hand-shakes and shoulder-pats ensued to motivate these SHAPE Run ladies for taking the training seriously to complete the good workout. Team FatBird is heartened to see the progress of these beginner and experienced runners alike, and are confident they will do very well on race day.
July 2009 will see the worldwide launch of the Nike LunarGlide+ with possibly shoe trial opportunities at the various Nike Run SG and Shape Breakfast Training Run sessions. Do make a date with us. Those who are preparing for the Singapore Bay Run & Army Half Marathon in August will have to kick-start some serious training with the 6-week Operation Kingfisher Program offered by Team FatBird. Do sign up at the Kingfisher MICROSITE to get the full training schedules, news, media as well as your Kingfisher Trainers/Marshals.
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