Saturday, February 28, 2009

NightHawk Pre-Ops Run

-- Field Report by FatBird Anthony

Over 50 runners turned up at the Team FatBird's NightHawk first night run, in a bid to start preparing themselves for the Sundown Marathon in end May. Coming from various running groups like SgRunners, Holland Village Runners (la_senza's group), Sleek's group, Meet-Ups (Jason's group), etc, it was a hive of activity before the run started. A brief was conducted by 8.45pm for the run distances of 10km, 17km, 21km and 24km from The Playground@Big Splash towards Changi Coastal Road and return.

The plan was to do TFB FatTrim Zone 2 pace to burn-off some fats as well as build up fuel efficiency...hehe. Many of the runners who have joined previous FatBird runs latched onto the slow, easy pace quite readily. The various groups of 10km, 17km, 21km and 24km were started in waves, as the whole ECP came alive with a large bunch of runners, many wearing blinkers, moving towards NSRCC in the night. The pace was very comfortable and we had lots of chit-chats and getting-to-know-one-another type of converations. A number of us were going for the Sundown Marathon, and there was also a bunch that were just there for the group training and to soak in the atmosphere...all were welcomed regardless of speed, age or distance, as long as they can do a 30min run/jog without much stopping.

I was with the 24km group, David with the 21km, Terry with the 17km and Jancy with the 10km. I picked up Giorgio and Beverly after reaching the 21km U-turn with Vanda. Senza's team did a 10km U-turn, saving it for the next LSD :). KokSan and Ming had moved ahead to do their 24km turns. Roadrunner, stardust, acidburn, Max, Jane, and the frontrunners did their own versions of the run, albeit at longer distances and faster speed. Our FatTrim groups were running quite comfy, and my heartrate was between 128-135 mostly, as recommended in my recent Fuel Efficieny test conducted...:)

We hit the first large shelter along Changi Coastal Road for 12km and did a U-turn. Sleek's team was running with us then. Giorgio, Beverly and myself moved along and ran as a group all the way till F2 carpark area. With 4km to go, we were joined by LYK and I picked up the pace a little to run alongside LYK. Upping the HR to 135 and keeping it there till the final stretch of 1km where I moved it up to 139 average. It was a nice easy run where I did not feel too tired, but yet had the satisfaction of a good workout. Most of the runners were back by then, and the 100plus drinks which we saved for the training runs came in timely. Too bad we were a little late for the special Sng Paos made by YN, Spencer....nvm, next time we shall try to be earlier for the treat. All the runners reached back by midnight, a good 3hrs of running put in.

Registrations and attendance were taken for the run, and it was good to have many newcomers and first-timers join the training run. Half of the group were still around at close to midnight, and as some of the FatBirds were rushing off for a movie, we packed up and went off our separate ways, bidding goodnite to all, and agreeing to see one another again for the next NightHawk training session. The coming weekend will have the first Ops NightHawk training session (details and call-ups will be posted), with the next night training session on Mar 13, staring off from the MacRitchie area....stay tuned.

1 comment:

Apteryx-in-SG said...

Many, many thanks to the Fatbirds for organising such a good night. I had a blast meeting new people and getting in a good run. The 100plus and bananas at the end were awesome.

Can't wait for the next one.


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